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A man and woman performing a shoulder stretch with good posture.

Why Good Posture Matters

March 21, 20242 min read

Good posture means:

  • Chin parallel to the floor

  • Shoulders even (roll your shoulders up, back, and down to help achieve this)

  • Neutral spine (no flexing or arching to overemphasize the curve in your lower back)

  • Arms at your sides with elbows straight and even

  • Abdominal muscles braced

  • Hips even

  • Knees even and pointing straight ahead

  • Body weight distributed evenly on both feet.

Good Posture Reduces Back And Neck Pain

The proper alignment of your spine allows you to move easily so that your body supports your weight without strain. Poor posture can place stress on your tendons, muscles, and ligaments, leading to neck and back pain.

If you suffer from neck and back pain, it may surprise you to know that improving your posture may go a long way in easing your symptoms.

Good posture ensures that your body weight is distributed evenly across your skeletal structure, reducing the strain on your muscles and joints. The act of keeping your knees slightly bent, for instance, helps to maintain balance and ensure flexibility, reducing the risk of injuries and overall discomfort. This is particularly relevant when considering back and neck pain. When your posture is poor, the weight of your body isn't distributed evenly.

Poor Posture Impacts Digestion

Your posture significantly impacts your digestion by influencing the functionality of your stomach muscles. When you slouch or hunch over, your abdominal muscles are constricted, thereby impeding the natural rhythm and process of digestion. In a proper upright posture, your stomach muscles have room to expand and contract, facilitating efficient digestion. However, poor posture, such as slouching, compresses these muscles and the organs they surround.

Slouching puts your body in an unnatural position that can impact certain abdominal organs. Stooping or hunching over at your desk or slouching while looking at your mobile device can interfere with proper digestion, increasing the risk for acid reflux and constipation.

Good Posture Improves Muscle And Joint Function

Maintaining good posture is key to improved muscle strength and overall physical health. It involves the optimum use of your muscles, including leg muscles, and prevents unnecessary muscle tension. One way good posture achieves this is by promoting efficient muscle contraction, which is vital for muscle strength and endurance.

Proper Posture Boosts Mood

When you think about factors that can improve your mood, posture likely isn’t the first thing to come to mind. Look at it this way: Your brain and body have two-way communication, meaning that your mood can impact your posture and your posture can affect your mood. When you’re happy, you may notice that you sit upright, and when you’re feeling down, you’re more likely to slouch or sit in a slumped position.

The next time you notice your mood sinking, try changing your posture; stand up straight, and take deep breaths. You may notice a gentle boost in mood after doing so.


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